Import and wholesale trade
dried fruits, fruits and vegetables in the Republic of Belarus


01 сен 2023
Moldova is a country of delicious and high-quality fruits!

The Republic of Moldova is located between the Carpathians and the Black Sea and has excellent conditions for growing some of the best fruits in the world. Despite the small size of the country, Moldova is among the top ten exporting countries of apples and plums and among the top 20 exporters of table grapes, apricots, cherries and cherries.

The most productive time is from the end of August to October. It was at this time, when the first harvests ripen, the employees of our company went to Moldova on a business trip! Informative meetings with our regular partners, acquaintance with new suppliers, visits to fruit plantations, inspection of the new harvest - we do everything to have sweet, juicy fruits and vegetables on the shelves of stores in our country in full all year round!

We thank our partners


Fabi & Lina



for fruitful cooperation, friendly reception and new discoveries!

  • Own logistics center
  • 30 years work experience
  • Extensive network direct foreign suppliers
  • Seasonality change fruits and vegetables
  • Sales network in the country