Import and wholesale trade
dried fruits, fruits and vegetables in the Republic of Belarus


15 дек 2021
PERSIMMON - useful properties of the fruit

What you can love winter for is the juiciest, sweetest and incredibly delicious PERSIMMON, 
which is also very useful

Persimmon contains:

a lot of vitamins, especially A, C and B
trace elements: iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium

Persimmon is useful for prevention:

of iron deficiency anemia
in scurvy

Iodine makes up for the deficiency of this substance in the body and reduces the risk of thyroid 

This berry has a low concentration of acids, which favorably affects the work of the gastrointestinal 
tract in peptic ulcer, liver and kidney disease

Antibacterial properties help to fight the pathological intestinal flora.

Persimmon is useful:

with diseases of the heart and blood vessels
, the risk of atherosclerosis decreases
and the diuretic effect of the berry helps to relieve swelling formed due to poor heart function

Persimmon is recommended as a means for general health improvement, restoration of the 
nervous system and the whole body

1. Promotes digestion
2. It is useful for blood
3. Increases vascular elasticity
4. Improves vision
5. It is a source of iodine
6. Helps to remove excess
7. Strengthens the heart
8. Improves mood
9. Supports immunity
10. Provides the body with calcium

Eat delicious and healthy every day!

  • Own logistics center
  • 30 years work experience
  • Extensive network direct foreign suppliers
  • Seasonality change fruits and vegetables
  • Sales network in the country